Lecture Materials: (U4 M1) The Botany of Desire - Apple and Tulips

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Michael Pollan gives a unique perspective on the relationship humans have with the plant kingdom. More than likely, we think of this relationship as one characterized by our manipulation of plants for the benefit of our species. What if we turned the tables and considered how the plant kingdom manipulates humans to achieve reproductive and evolutionary success?

The Botany of Desire can be broken into 4 segments that discuss 4 different plants and 4 different human desires. Your task is to watch the first 2 segments: "Apples" and "Tulips" (the first 56 minutes). Fill out the video guide linked below as you view these segments. Alas, there are not many connections to make in this course to the third and fourth segments, which look at cannabis and potatoes. But nonetheless, it is still fascinating and it is certainly worth the extra hour.

Follow Michael Pollan as he examines our relationship with plants. As you view the film, answer the questions in Botany of Desire - Apples and Tulips Video Guide (Google Doc) to consider the co-evolution of plants and animals.

It is recommended that you print out this worksheet and answer the analysis questions by hand as you watch the video. This video guide is not to be turned in or graded. There will be questions on the Credit Unit Assessment regarding this Video.

Botany of Desire, Full length video (Webpage)


Last modified: Thursday, 10 June 2021, 2:25 PM