CU2M1 Lab Answer Key

3) Consider what you saw on both maps. How do the locations of volcanoes around the world compare with the distribution of earthquakes? How are they their location different?

Answer: The locations of volcanoes and earthquakes mirror coastlines that follow plate boundaries (example: ring of fire, around the Pacific Ocean). However, there are places where we see volcanoes in the middle of the plate, not along plate boundaries, where there are very few, if any, earthquakes. There are also a lot of earthquakes along mid-ocean boundaries but very few volcanoes there.

Question CU2 M1 #3

Student correctly identifies and describes similarities and differences between earthquakes and volcanoes.


4 points

Student correctly identifies similarities and differences between earthquakes and volcanoes but descriptions miss several key points


3 pts

Student correctly identifies and describes either similarities or differences between earthquakes and volcanoes.


2 pts

Student correctly identifies either similarities or differences between earthquakes and volcanoes but does not describe reasoning


1 pt



4 points


10) Are there any large geographic features associated with Transform boundaries? Please explain your answer. (Credit: U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior/USGS)


Alt Text: Picture showing all types of plate boundaries and their associated landforms.

Answer: There are really no large features like volcanoes, mountains, ridge or trenches associated with transform faults. This is because there is no place where compression or subduction creates new rock or thicker rock. There is also no divergence so no new crust forms.

Question CU2 M1 #10

Student correctly identifies and fully describes whether there are any features associated with transform faults


4 pts

Student correctly identifies whether there are any features associated with transform faults but misses a few key points in description.


3 pts

Student correctly identifies whether there are any features associated with transform faults but incorrectly describes their answer


2 pts

Student correctly identifies whether there are any features associated with transform faults but does not give any description


1 pt



0 pt


11) Using the Identify at least one location where the mid-ocean ridge runs into continental crust on one of the current continents (you have already read bout it in your textbook).  Describe what geographic features are found at this location on the continent. (Credit: U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior/USGS)


Alt Text: Picture showing all types of plate boundaries across the Earth.

Answer: The most obvious place is in Africa, and its called the East African Rift (or Great Rift Valley). Here rifting is pulling apart the African continental crust and it is creating volcanoes because of decompression, deep lakes because of the drop in land and water accumulating there.

Question CU2 M1 #11

Student correctly identifies the location and fully describes the geologic features found there


4 pts

Student correctly identifies the location and identifies the geologic features associated with found there but does not fully describe these landforms



Student correctly identifies location and fully describes a single geologic feature found there


2 pt

Student correctly identifies location but does not describe the geologic features found there.

1 pt



0 pt


13) Is there evidence that a new Hawaiian Island is being formed?  Explain your answer.

Answer: There is evidence of a new island because the plate is still moving and the hot spot it still active. We know the plate is still moving because of the earthquakes found on the western side of the Atlantic and we know the hot spot s still active because the island of Hawaii is actively erupting.

Question CU2 M1 #13

Student correctly describes evidence of whether a new Hawaiian Island is forming


4 pts

Student correctly describes evidence of whether a new Hawaiian Island is forming but misses a few key points.


3 pts

Student correctly gives evidence of whether a new Hawaiian Island is forming but does not describe the evidence


2 pts

Student correctly shows an assumption of whether a new Hawaiian Island is forming but gives no evidence


1 pt



0 pt

Last modified: Tuesday, 6 July 2021, 12:53 PM