AJS 101 Spring 2016 Course Outline

Review Syllabus and provide introduction of self in combination with a course expectation on line.  Due at close of 1st week.  See assignments for details.

Complete assessment quiz.

Read Ch. 1 “What is Criminal Justice” and at close of Ch. 1 provide an essay and justification / explanation on which of the amendments to the Bill of Rights are key to our Police, Courts and Corrections.  See assignments for details.

Read Chapter 2 “The Crime Picture” and provide an example of how data may be manipulated for the betterment and detriment of our justice system. See assignments for details.

On line quiz over Ch. 1 and 2.

Read Ch. 3 “Search for Causes”

Upon completion of the chapter answer the following:  What is a theory?  Also describe the   steps in criminological theory building and explain the role that social research plays in the development of theories about crime.  See assignments for details.

Read Ch. 4 “Criminal Law” and provide me with the culpable mental states that are imbedded within AZ Revised Statutes title 13 as it pertains to committing crime.  See assignments for details.


On line quiz over Ch. 3 and 4.

Read Ch. 5 “Policing” and provide a comparison between Sir Robert Peel’s principles and modern day policing.

Watch current event news video and discuss the significance of the event to our society.

Read Ch. 6 “Policing, Purpose and Organization” and answer the following:  What are the 5 core operational strategies that police departments use today? What is the ancillary strategy?  See assignments for details.


On line quiz for Ch. 5 and 6.


Read Ch. 7 “Policing, Legal Aspects” and choose one of the court decisions in Figure 7-1 on page 203 of the text and provide a historical perspective on how the case evolved.   See assignments for details.  See assignments for details.

Read Ch. 8 “Policing, Issues and Challenges” and provide me with the 3 greatest challenges in modern policing that are unique to the year 2016.

Read Ch. 9, “The Courts: Structure and Participants” and explain the duties the U.S. Federal Court System.  On line quiz Ch. 7 and 8, see assignments for details.

Complete on line quiz for Ch. 9.

Read Ch. 10, “Pretrial Activities and the Criminal Trial.  View the movie, “My Cousin Vinny” analyzing the courtroom scenes identifying the roles of all involved.  (Link to be attached)

See assignments for details.

Complete on line quiz for Ch. 10.

Read Ch. 11, “Sentencing”, and provide a paper discussing the merits of 3 strike laws as punishment. Complete on line quiz for Ch. 11, see assignments for details.

Read Ch. 12, “Probation, Parole and Intermediate Sanctions”, and answer the provided 10 discussion questions, see assignments for details.

Complete quiz on Ch. 12.

Read Ch. 13, “Prisons and Jails” and Ch. 14, “Prison Life”.   Participate in a class tour of [Your local] County [or equivalent] Jail and write a reflection paper of the event.  See assignments for details.

Complete on line quiz for Ch. 13 and 14.





Read Ch. 15 “Juvenile” and 16, “Drugs and Crime “, complete the quiz on Ch. 15 provided.


View “Scared Straight 1987” and provide input on the discussion.

Read Ch. 17, “Terrorism”, and answer the questions following the video on 9-11. 

50 question on the subject matter provided this past semester.