Describe an unethical situation that you have been made aware of or experienced.
At some time during your career (if it hasn't occurred already), you will be faced with an ethical dilemma. It may not be you who is being unethical. It might be your coworkers, your subordinates, your boss, your managers, your executives (Bernie Madoff), your customers, your suppliers, or maybe even your organization (Enron) or the system (Wall Street).
Unethical behavior has the potential of ruining people’s lives and costing organizations and/or governments large sums of money. One way to learn about ethics is to understand how ethical and unethical behaviors look to different people. In this discussion, briefly describe an unethical situation that you have been made aware of either through experience or readings, and post it in this thread. Use pseudonyms for people and organizations unless the behavior is public knowledge.
Follow up on any questions asked of your initial post and contribute to at least two others' postings.