CU4M2 Lab Answer Key

1) Use the following graph and define the relationship between water vapor capacity and air temperature. How is water vapor capacity related to humidity?

Answer: As temperature increases the amount of water vapor that can be present in the air increases. This is related to humidity because humidity is the amount of water vapor actually present in the air, but it doesn’t actually have to be at capacity.

Question CU M2 #1

Student fully define the relationship between air temperature, water vapor capacity and humidity


4 pts

Student fully define the relationship between air temperature, water vapor capacity and humidity but misses several key points


3 pts

Student fully defines one of the relationships between air temperature, water vapor capacity and humidity but not the relation between all 3


2 pts

Student fully defines one of the relationships between air temperature, water vapor capacity and humidity but not the relation between all 3 but misses several key points


1 pt



0 pt


5. If the temperature of the air remains constant but the water vapor content of a parcel of air increases, what will happen to the relative humidity of that parcel of air? If the water vapor content of a parcel of air remains constant, how will cooling the air temperature affect the relative humidity? How will warming the air affect the relative humidity? Will cooling or warming the air create precipitation?

Answer: If temp remains the same, but water vapor content increases, then the relative humidity should increase. If water vapor content remains the same but temperature cools, then relative humidity should increase. If water vapor content remains the same and temperature warms, then relative humidity should decrease. Cooling the air should lead to precipitation.

Question CU 4 M2 #5

Student correctly answers all four questions about relative humidity


4 pts

Student correctly answers only 3 questions about relative humidity


3 pts

Student correctly answers only 2 questions about relative humidity


2 pts

Student correctly answers only 1 question about relative humidity


1 pts



0 pt

Last modified: Tuesday, 6 July 2021, 12:53 PM