Reading: (CU2 M3) Trademarks


Trademark laws allow companies to secure a claim to a specific identifying item, such as a name or design. Think of trademarked items you might be familiar with: those used by international restaurant chains, software companies, and mobile phone manufacturers. Trademarks set a company apart from similar companies and allow consumers of the company's products and services to readily identify the company. The government of the United States has adopted a specific regimen of laws to protect trademarks. As you read, note the many identifying categories that can be trademarked, including even the shape of a bottle. Be aware, too, of what cannot be trademarked under U.S. law. Lastly, be aware of what remedies are available for infringement or dilution of a trademark and the defenses against these claims.

Please read The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business: Chapter 9 Section 4, Trademarks.  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(PDF)

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 May 2018, 1:41 PM