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BI 101 - General Biology
BI 101
Unit 4 Module 2 - Invertebrate Diversity
Competency Assessment: (U4 M2) Pollinator Relation...
Competency Assessment: (U4 M2) Pollinator Relationships
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◄ Lab: (U4 M2) Virtual Lab Squid Dissection
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BI 101 QM Rubric
Additional SME Review
Unit 1 Introduction
Module 1 Introduction: (U1 M1) Scientific Inquiry
Materials: (U1 M1) Materials List
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U1 M1) Scientific Inquiry
Self-check: (U1 M1) Scientific Inquiry Reading and Lecture
Lab: (U1 M1) Tabletop Sampling Error
Self-check: (U1 M1) Sampling Error And The Scientific Method Lab
Competency Assessment: (U1 M1) Lab Report
Answer Key: Sampling Error & Scientific Method
Competency Assessment: (U1 M1) To Chirp or Not to Chirp? That is the Question.
Answer Key: To Chirp or Not to Chirp
Congratulations! (U1 M1)
Module 2 Introduction: (U1 M2) Population Ecology
Materials: (U1 M2) Materials List
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U1 M2) Population Ecology
Self-check (U1 M2) Population Ecology Reading and Lecture
Activity: (U1 M2) World Population Data
Activity: (U1 M2) Understanding Population Growth Models
Lab: (U1 M2) Survivorship, Dispersion, and Population Growth
Competency Assessment: (U1 M2) Lab Report
Answer Key: Survivorship, Dispersion, and Population Growth
Congratulations! (U1 M2)
Module 3 Introduction: (U1 M3) Community Ecology
Reading & Lecture Material: (U1 M3) Community Interaction - Ecological Succession
Self-check: (U1 M3) Community Ecology Reading and Lecture
Activity: (U1 M3) A Tale of Two Successions
Self-check: (U1 M3) Can You Tell the Tale?
Lab: (U1 M3) SimBio Virtual Lab Isle Royale
Self-check: (U1 M3) Isle Royale Lab
Competency Assessment: (U1 M3) Lab Report
Answer Key: Isle Royale
Competency Assessment: (U1 M3) When Animals Defend Themselves
Congratulations! (U1 M3)
BI101 Credit Unit Assessment: (U1)
U1 Answer Key
Unit 2 Introduction
Module 1 Introduction: (U2 M1) Food Webs
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U2 M1) Food Webs
Self-check: (U2 M1) Food Webs Reading and Lecture
Lab: (U2 M1) SimBio Virtual Lab Keystone Predator
Self-check: (U2 M1) Keystone Predator Lab
Competency Assessment: (U2 M1) Lab Report
Competency Assessment: (U2 M1) Habitable Planet Food Web Ecology
Answer Key: Habitable Planet Food Web Ecology
Congratulations! (U2 M1)
Module 2 Introduction: (U2 M2) Nutrient Cycles
Reading & Lecture Material: (U2 M2) Nutrient Cycles
Self-check: (U2 M2) Nutrient Cycles Reading and Lecture
Activity: (U2 M2) Global Climate Change
Lab: (U2 M2) SimBio Virtual Lab Nutrient Pollution
Self-check: (U2 M2) Nutrient Pollution Lab
Competency Assessment: (U2 M2) Lab Report
Competency Assessment: (U2 M2) Nutrient Cycle Diagrams
Answer Key: Nutrient Cycling Diagrams
Congratulations! (U2 M2)
Module 3 Introduction: (U2 M3) Conserving Biodiversity
Materials: (U2 M3) Materials List
Activity: (U2 M3) Lab Preparation for CU3 Modules
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U2 M3) Conserving Biodiversity
Self-check: (U2 M3) Conserving Biodiversity Reading and Lecture
Lecture Materials: (U2 M3) Frogs - The Thin Green Line
Competency Assessment: (U2 M3) Ecosystems Out of Balance
Congratulations! (U2 M3)
BI101 Unit Assessment: (U2)
U2 Answer Key
Unit 3 Introduction
Module 1 Introduction (U3 M1) Microbe Diversity
Materials: (U3 M1) Materials List
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U3 M1) Microbe Diversity
Self-check: (U3 M1) Microbe Diversity Reading and Lecture
Activity: (U3 M1) Antibiotics and Vaccines
Lecture Materials: (U3 M1) Microorganism Video Clips
Lecture Materials: (U3 M1) Protist Slideshow
Lab: (U3 M1) Tabletop Lab Microbe Diversity
Self-check: (U3 M1) Microbe Diversity Lab
Competency Assessment: (U3 M1) Lab Report
Competency Assessment: (U3 M1) Disease Eradication Nomination
Congratulations! (U3 M1)
Module 3 Introduction (U3 M2) Fungi Diversity
Materials: (U3 M2) Materials List
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U3 M2) Fungi Diversity
Self-check: (U3 M2) Fungi Diversity Reading and Lecture
Lecture Materials: (U3 M2) Fungi Diversity - Bozeman Science
Activity: (U3 M2) Fungi Learning Table
Lab: (U3 M2) Tabletop Lab Fungi Diversity
Self-check: (U3 M2) Fungi Diversity Lab
Competency Assessment: (U3 M2) Lab Report
Competency Assessment: (U3 M2) Mycosis- Fungal Diseases
Congratulations! (U3 M2)
BI101 Unit Assessment: (U3)
U3 Answer Key
Credit Unit 4 Introduction
Module 1 Introduction (U4 M1) Plant Diversity
Materials: (U4 M1) Materials List
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U4 M1) Plant Diversity
Self-check: (U4 M1) Plant Diversity Reading and Lecture
Lecture Materials: (U4 M1) The Botany of Desire - Apple and Tulips
Lab: (U4 M1) Tabletop Lab Plant Diversity
Self-check: (U4 M1) Plant Diversity Lab
Competency Assessment: (U4 M1) Lab Report
Competency Assessment: (U4 M1) Seed Bank Nomination
Congratulations! (U4 M1)
Module 2 Introduction (U4 M2) Invertebrate Diversity
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U4 M2) Invertebrate Diversity
Activity: (U4 M2) Invertebrates
Self-check: (U4 M2) Invertebrate Diversity Reading and Lecture
Lab: (U4 M2) Virtual Lab Squid Dissection
Congratulations! (U4 M2)
Module 3 Introduction (U4 M3) Vertebrate Diversity
Reading & Lecture Materials: (U4 M3) Vertebrate Diversity
Self-check: (U4 M3) Vertebrate Diversity Reading and Lecture
Activity: (U4 M3) Vertebrate Learning Table
Lab: (U4 M3) Virtual Lab Frog Dissection
Competency Assessment: (U4 M3) Vertebrate Comparative Problem Set
Answer Key: Vertebrate Comparative Problem Set
Congratulations! (U4 M3)
BI101 Unit Assessment: (U4)
U4 Answer Key
End of Course
Resources and Citations
Course Citations
Congratulations! (U4 M2) ►