An Introduction to Structure and Function of the Human Body

Introduction - Structure and Function of Human Body

An Introduction to Structure and Function of the Human Body, Chemistry of Life, Cells and Tissues, and Organ Systems


This module is an introduction to the organization of the human body.  It includes the following topics:  An Introduction to Structure and Function of the Human Body, Chemistry of Life, Cells and Tissues and Organ Systems. 

In An Introduction to Structure and Function of the Human Body focuses on the levels of organization of the body in order of increasing complexity, terms used to describe the body sections cavities and quadrants and the mechanism of homeostasis. 

In Chemistry of Life the student will have the opportunity to learn how anatomy and physiology are based on the principles of chemistry. 

Cells and Tissues
focuses on the basic structures and functions of cells and tissues, major active and passive transport processes, an explanation of DNA, RNA, and cellular reproduction. 

Organ Systems
will describe structure and normal functions of the 11 organ systems of the body.


Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:

  • Define the difference between anatomy and physiology.
  • Define the term anatomical position.
  • List and define the principal directional terms and sections (planes) used in describing the body and the relationship of body parts to one another.
  • List the nine abdominopelvic regions and the abdominopelvic quadrants.
  • List and discuss in order of increasing complexity the levels of organization of the body.
  • Explain the meaning of the term homeostasis and give an example of a typical homeostatic mechanism.
  • Define the terms atom, element, molecule, and compound.
  • Compare and contrast ionic, covalent, and hydrogen types of chemical bonding.
  • Distinguish between organic and inorganic chemical compounds.
  • Discuss the structure and function of the following four types of organic molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
  • Differentiate among tissues, organs, and systems.
  • Identify and define three major components of the cell.
  • Describe the four types of body tissues.
  • Compare the major passive and active transport processes that act to move substances through cell membranes.
  • Compare and discuss DNA and RNA and their function in protein synthesis.
  • Discuss the stages of mitosis and explain the importance of cellular reproduction.
  • List the 11 major organ systems of the body and briefly describe the major functions of each.

Reading and Resources

Complete reading assignment:  Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4.Thibodeau, Gary Structure and Function of the Body14th ed.2012. Elsevier Mosby. St. Louis.

Review Evolve website

  • Review  the video Intro to Structure and Function of the Human Body
  • Listen to audio review (Chapters 1-4) on under the textbook, Structure and Function of the Body14th, student resources

Review terms on (Intro to A&P).


  • Post in: Greetings and Introduction Discussion
  • Complete: Student Contract
  • Complete: Readings and Resources
  • Complete: Assignment - Structure and Function 1
  • Exam: Structure and Function 1


Last modified: Friday, 26 August 2016, 1:23 PM