Nervous System, Senses, and Endocrine System

Nervous System, Senses, and Endocrine System


This module covers the Nervous System, Senses, and Endocrine System. 

The student will be introduced to the organs and divisions of the nervous system and to a description of the generalized functions of the system as a whole.  The major types of cells in the nervous system and the functions will be discussed as well as the major anatomical components of the brain and spinal cord, and the function of each. 

The student will have the opportunity to distinguish between special and general sense organs. The structure of the eye and the anatomy of the ear, including its sensory function in hearing and equilibrium is also covered in this chapter.

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the functions of endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete. These hormones regulate such body activities as metabolism, growth and development, and reproduction. 

Students will also have the opportunity to learn the important roles that hormones play in homeostasis, normalcy, and abnormalities such as dwarfism, gigantism, sterility, and the survival of humans.


Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:

  • List the organs and divisions of the nervous system and describe the generalized functions of the system as a whole.
  • Identify the major types of cells in the nervous system and discuss the function of each.
  • Identify the anatomical and functional components of a three-neuron reflex arc.
  • Compare and contrast the propagation of a nerve impulse along a nerve fiber and across a synaptic cleft.
  • Identify the major anatomical components of the brain and spinal cord and briefly comment on the functions of each.
  • Compare and contrast spinal and cranial nerves.
  • Discuss the anatomical and functional characteristics of the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Classify sense organs as special or general, and explain the basic differences between the two groups.
  • Discuss how a stimulus is converted into a sensation.
  • Discuss the general sense organs and their functions.
  • Describe the structure of the eye and the functions of its components.
  • Discuss the anatomy of the ear and its sensory function in hearing and equilibrium.
  • Distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands and define the terms hormone and prostaglandin.
  • Describe the mechanisms of steroid and nonsteroid hormone action.
  • Explain how negative and positive feedback mechanisms regulate the secretion of endocrine hormones.
  • Distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands and define the terms hormone and prostaglandin.
  • Identify and locate the primary endocrine glands and list the major hormones produced by each gland.
  • Define diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, gigantism, goiter, cretinism, and glycosuria.
  • Identify the principal functions of each major endocrine hormone and describe the conditions that may result from hyposecretion or hypersecretion.

Readings and Resources

Complete reading assignment, chapters 8, 9, and 10, Thibodeau, Gary Structure and Function of the Body14th ed.2012. Elsevier Mosby. St. Louis.

Review Evolve website 

  • View Nervous System, Sensory System, Endocrine System videos
  • Listen to audio review (chapters 8,9,&10) on  under student resources

Review terms on (Nervous, Sensory, and Endocrine)



Last modified: Friday, 26 August 2016, 1:23 PM