Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance


This module covers the Digestive, Urinary and Reproductive Systems as well as Fluid and Electrolyte Balance.

Students will have the opportunity to learn the component parts of the gastrointestinal tract, their structures, and functions.  Accessory organs to the digestive organs will be discussed in terms of their significance to the digestive process.  Students will also have the opportunity to learn about the mechanical and chemical nature of digestion. 

The chapter on Urinary systems will give students the opportunity to learn the major organs and functions of the urinary system. 

In Body fluids students will have the opportunity to learn about body fluids, body fluid compartments, and the avenues by which water enters and leaves the body.  Students will have the opportunity to examine the mechanisms that maintain fluid balance, the importance of electrolytes in body fluids, and the aldosterone mechanism of extracellular fluid volume control. 

The essential and accessory organs of the male and female reproductive systems and the general functions of each will be covered.  Students will have the opportunity to examine the primary functions of sex hormones and to identify the cell type and structure responsible for their secretion.


Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:

  • List and describe the four layers of the wall of the alimentary canal. Compare the lining layer in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.
  • List in sequence each of the component parts or segments of the alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus and identify the accessory organs of digestion.
  • Define peristalsis, bolus, chyme, jaundice, ulcer, and diarrhea.
  • Discuss the basics of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion, and give the end products of each process.
  • Identify the major organs of the urinary system and give the generalized function of each.
  • Explain how the kidneys act as vital organs in maintaining homeostasis.
  • Explain the importance of filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion in urine formation.
  • Identify the major organs of the urinary system and give the generalized function of each.
  • List the essential and accessory organs of the male reproductive systems, and give the general function of each.
  • Describe the gross and microscopic structure of the gonads in both sexes, and explain the developmental steps in spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
  • Discuss the primary functions of the sex hormones, and identify the cell type or structure responsible for their secretion.
  • Identify and describe the structures that constitute the external genitals in both sexes.
  • List the essential and accessory organs of the female reproductive systems and give the general function of each.
  • Discuss the primary functions of the sex hormones, and identify the cell type or structure responsible for their secretion.
  • Identify and describe the structures that constitute the external genitalia in both sexes.
  • List, describe, and compare the body fluid compartments and their subdivisions.
  • Discuss the nature and importance of electrolytes in body fluids, and explain the aldosterone mechanism of extracellular fluid volume control. 
  • Give examples of common fluid imbalances

Readings and Resources

Complete reading assignments, chapters 15, 17, 18, and 20, Thibodeau, Gary Structure and Function of the Body14th ed.2012. Elsevier Mosby. St. Louis.

Review Evolve website 

Review - The Digestive System, Urinary System, Fluid and Electorlyte BAlance, Female Reproductive System, The Male Reproductive System. 

Listen to audio review (chapters 15,17,18,&20) 

Review terms on http://freenursetutor.com/ (Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance)


  • Complete readings and viewing of videos
  • Complete Assignment  - Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
  • Complete Exam - Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance


Last modified: Friday, 26 August 2016, 1:23 PM