Weekly outline

  • Crop & Food Science

    This course is arranged in chronological order. Work from the top to the bottom making sure you open each link and complete all the activities.

    Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseThis work for “Mapping New Careers in Geospatial Technologies” Project by Southeast Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership.

  • Introduction to AGRI 1131 Crop & Food Science

    Crop science is the study of scientific approaches to improving the quality of crops.

    This course is a basic introduction to Crop Science principles and will provide an overview of the wide variety of topics. Specific subjects include definition of crops; plant form and function, plant life cycle, specific crops, advances in crop production, plant protection, and agronomic research.

    This module will lead students through the basic tools a student will use throughout the course.


    Please complete the activities below. If you have any questions, please message me. Also, make sure to read the material in "Readings and Resources" above. Thank You!

  • Module 1 - Importance & Development of Agriculture & Crop Terminology

    Students will investigate how plants directly and indirectly influence our lives; how early agriculture differs from today; what factors determine where or how a particular crop grows; what crops are commonly grown in our areas; how crop production can keep up with increasing demand and crop terminology.

      • Module 1 Outline – Importance of agriculture  (pdf of objectives, assignments, and discussions)
      • Chapter 1 - Importance and development of agriculture
      • Chapter 2  - Crop Terminology
  • Module 2 - Agroecology & Crop Production Systems

    Agroecology is the study of specific relationships of crops and farm animals to their environment and to each other.  Note: Agroecology can also be spelled agro-ecology

    An agroecosystem is the total interaction between crops and farm animals and their environment within a farming or ranching operation.

    An ecosystem is the total interaction between all organisms that live in an area with each other and their environment. A pond, forest, or rangeland will each have its own ecosystem.

      • Chapter 3 - Agroecology
      • Chapter 4 – Crop Production Systems
  • Module 3 – Crop Improvement | Climate & Weather

    In this module student will look at the various methods used in the past to improve crops; the current methods of crop improvement; along with the limitations and techniques of various methods of crop improvement.  In this module you also will look at the environmental factors affecting crops.

      • Chapter 11 – Crop Improvement
      • Chapter 12 – Climate, Weather, and Crops
  • Module 4 - Corn

    In this module you will be looking at crop staging, insects, diseases as well as weeds that can be a detriment to a corn crop. Staging is the most important factor when it comes to each crop. Knowing the difference in insects and diseases that affect the crop is of the most importance as well as diagnosing the problems being shown in the field.


  • Module 5 - Soybeans

    Soybeans are second to corn in the amount of production and continues to play a vital part in our day to day lives. Staging is again a very important part of the process. It’s impossible to make proper recommendations without know the stage of your crop, levels and types of insect infestation, diseases and weeds that are affecting your soybean crop. Being able to identity insects diseases and weeds in a soybean field is very important to diagnosing problems that occur.

    Review: Soybean PPT1 & Soybean PPT2
  • Module 6 – Wheat, Grain Sorghum

    Both Wheat and Grain Sorghum are vital crops that play just as big of a part in our lives as Corn and Soybeans. Staging is again a very important part of the process. No matter what crop you are raising it is impossible to make proper recommendations without knowing the stage of your crop, levels and types of insect infestation, diseases and weeds that are affecting your crop. Having the ability to identity insects, diseases and weeds in a Wheat & Grain Sorghum field is still very important to diagnosing problems that occur.

    Read:  Wheat Production PPT     Grain Sorghum Production PPT

    The Below Handbooks are great resources for both Wheat and Grain Sorghum Production.

    Take the time to open the PDF's and save them- for later use.


    Review the following Power-points on Wheat & Grain Sorghum.

    Wheat PPT

    Grain Sorghum PPT

  • Module 7 – Seeds, Seeding & Crop Roots

    A large segment of crop science is involved in the improvement and production of high quality seed. In this module student will study the decision and cultural practices such as tillage, fertilizers, and variety selection that maximizes the production of seeds along with starting to look at the root system; one of the three main organs of the crop plant.

      • Chapter 6 - Seeds and Seeding
      • Chapter 7 - Crop Roots
  • Module 8 – Crop Stems & Leaves; Flowering & Reproduction

    In this module student will study how stems have the important function of supporting the plant so that the leaves are properly displayed to intercept light for photosynthesis. It contains the vascular system that provides the lifelines for the various plant parts.  They will also look at flowering and reproduction systems; the specific roles of sepals, petals, sperm and egg nuclei play; and the phases of cell division of mitosis.

      • Chapter 8 – Crop Stems and Leaves
      • Chapter 10 – Flowering and Reproduction
  • Module 9 – Photosynthesis and Respiration

    Photosynthesis and respiration are two of the most important metabolic processes in the plant. Photosynthesis is the pathway that gives the plant the energy it needs for growth, development, and production. Respiration is the pathway the results in that growth, development and reproduction.

      • Chapter 9 – Photosynthesis and Respiration