Weekly outline

  • General

    Advanced Precision Technology

    Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseThis work for “Mapping New Careers in Geospatial Technologies” Project by Southeast Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership.

  • Introduction to Precision Technology

    Study of precision agriculture technology using hardware and software applications.

    This module will lead students through the basic tools a student will use throughout the course.

    Readings and Resources


      • Syllabus
      • Course Policies
      • Course Calendar
      • Outline - Introduction to AGRI 2279



      • Readings
      • Setting Up Moodle Profile
      • Intro Discussion
      • Intro Assignment a
      • Intro Quiz

    Please complete the activities below.  If you have any questions, please message me.  Also, make sure to read the material in "Readings and Resources" above.  Thank You!

  • Module 1 - Topic 1 Overview of Precision Ag

    Precision agriculture is a catch-all term that describes using GIS and GPS technologies to manage specific areas of fields. Precision agriculture technologies use information from multiple sources to assist farmers in making crop production and management decisions based on the variability of production potential within fields.

    In this unit we describe the technologies used in production agriculture and we review some of the research associated with the use and future trends of these technologies.

    Benefits of precision agriculture technology include: reduced variable costs, increased yields, increased profits, and reduced environmental effects.

    • M1 -T1 - PA Overview (Outline)
    • Overview of Precision Agriculture
    • 5 essentials in Precision Agriculture
    • M1-T1 Discussion - Precision Ag Software Evaluation
    • M1-T1 Assignment - 5 essentials Worksheet

    Please complete the activities below.  If you have any questions, please message me.  Also, make sure to read the material in "Readings and Resources" above.  Thank You!

  • Mod 1 - Topic 2 GPS and GIS

    Precision agriculture is a catch-all term that describes using GIS and GPS technologies to manage specific areas of fields. Precision agriculture technologies use information from multiple sources to assist farmers in making crop production and management decisions based on the variability of production potential within fields.

    In this unit we describe the technologies used in production agriculture and we review some of the research associated with the use and future trends of these technologies.

    Benefits of precision agriculture technology include: reduced variable costs, increased yields, increased profits, and reduced environmental effects.

    • Complete M1- T2 Assignment - Answer Trimble Questions

    Please complete the activities below.  If you have any questions, please message me.  Also, make sure to read the material in "Readings and Resources" above.  Thank You!

  • Mod 1 - Topic 3 Precision Agriculture tools and Current Trends

    Precision agriculture tools are used to monitor crop yields, apply inputs at a variable rather than constant rate, and to guide equipment. Other tools are used to determine soil electrical conductivity, manage soil on a site-specific basis, and to monitor crop growth and health from satellite or aerial images. All of these tools utilize GIS to acquire, process, analyze, and transform the data collected into information that farmers can use to better manage production and improve profitability.

    Precision Ag software allows a farmer to: view precision farm data from planting to harvest; create prescriptions based on yield history; map soil results; creates maps and reports that help make better farm management decisions along with tracking expenses and income throughout the growing year.

    In this unit, students will learn about the two main software programs SST and SMS used in the field along with researching and comparing other software programs available.

    Reading and Resources



    • Readings
    • M1-T3 Discussion - Ag Tech software
    • M1-T3 Assignment 1 Software Worksheet

    Please complete the activities below.  If you have any questions, please message me.  Also, make sure to read the material in "Readings and Resources" above.  Thank You!

  • Module 2 - Precision Ag tools - SMS

    M2 - T1 SMS Getting Started

    SMS will be covering these units:

    Topic 1 - SMS Getting Started                                   Topic 4 - Managing Data

    Topic 2 - Reading in Files                                          Topic 5 - Freeze Fix Boundaries

    Topic 3 - Understanding the Management Tree     

    SMS is a desktop software from Ag Leader that has data collection and analysis capabilities that are used to make management decisions for Ag producers. Basically the data and resulting maps uncovers what your data is telling you about the factors influencing yield and decisions that have an impact to your operation.

    SMS is used to collect accurate data throughout the year such as: field boundaries, planting, application and yield history. After collection, the data is read or logged into the SMS program for future analysis. The analysis is then used to analyze the major influencing factors on yield and other decisions that have an impact on your operation.  
    Students will learn the basics of starting a project, how to read files into SMS; how the management tree works, how to modify map settings and printing maps from farm data.



    • M2- T1 Discussion
    • Accessing the SMS Software
    • View Instructor Video
    • Complete activities in Tutorial Instructions
    • Review how to access the Tutorials and videos from SMS

    Students are expected to view the Videos and Outlines. First, open the step by step instructions (outlines); review the tutorial videos; then complete the tasks listed in the instructions. Post your completed map in the Moodle course management system (when requested). Not all activities will have an assignment other than to complete the tutorials.

  • M2 - T2 SMS - Reading Files

    In this unit, students will learn how to read files into SMS along with creating a new map.



    • Work through Videos and Tutorials

    Students are expected to view the Videos and Outlines. First, open the step by step instructions (outlines); review the tutorial videos; then complete the tasks listed in the instructions. Post your completed map in the Moodle course management system (when requested). Not all activities will have an assignment other than to complete the tutorials.

    • M2 - T3 Understanding the Managment Tree

      Once the data has been loaded into SMS, the growers you created will be listed in the management tree.

      The Management Tree allows you to select, manage, and view the data that is stored in the management system. It provides a visual interaction with your data when deciding what data that you would like to work with since your selection(s) is tied to what is displayed in the Preview Window.



      • Work through the tutorials

      Students are expected to view the Videos and Outlines. First, open the step by step instructions (outlines); review the tutorial videos; then complete the tasks listed in the instructions. Post your completed map in the Moodle course management system (when requested). Not all activities will have an assignment other than to complete the tutorials.

      • M2- T4 Managing Data - Working with Boundaries

        Managing data or Yield Mapping refers to the process of collecting georeferenced data on crop yield and characteristics, such as moisture content, while the crop is being harvested.

        Yield maps are one of the most valuable sources of spatial data for precision agriculture. A long yield history is essential to avoid drawing conclusions that are affected by the weather or other factors during a particular year. Typically, at least five years of yield maps are desired.



        Work through the tutorials

        Students are expected to view the Videos and Outlines. First, open the step by step instructions (outlines); review the tutorial videos; then complete the tasks listed in the instructions. Post your completed map in the Moodle course management system (when requested). Not all activities will have an assignment other than to complete the tutorials.

        • M2 - T5 - Fix Boundaries

          Now that we have learned how to merge and move fields we are going to start “fixing boundaries” on the map. Some maps may need to be cleaned up after using the Freeze Boundaries. The vertices (points) that make up the field boundary can be added, deleted, or moved. Note: Boundaries need to be frozen in order to fix a boundary



          • Work through the tutorials
          • Complete M2-T5-1 Assignment

          Students are expected to view the Videos and Outlines. First, open the step by step instructions (outlines); review the tutorial videos; then complete the tasks listed in the instructions. Post your completed map in the Moodle course management system (when requested). Not all activities will have an assignment other than to complete the tutorials.

          • Module 3 - T1 Writing Planting Prescriptions

            When thinking about prescription farming, variable rate fertilizing and/or seeding, generally comes to mind. Variable rate seeding began with the advent of hydraulic motors serving as the drive or transmission on the planter, giving farmers the chance to change seeding rates on the go.  They were also putting GPS receivers and equipment on and in their tractors and combines for auto-steer and yield mapping capabilities.

            Prescriptions take multi-layered data collected from farmers to generate variable-rate planting recommendations for specific hybrids, based on soil type, elevation and yield history.

            The SMS software allows users to create prescriptions base on any layer of data that has been collected.  In this exercise we will create a planting prescription using the grain harvest data collected for Field 9 at the SCC farm.


            • M3 - T1 - Writing Planting Prescriptions Outline
            • Video: M3-P1 - Writing Planting Prescriptions        


            • Create a planting prescription for f9

            Students are expected to view the Videos and Outlines. First, open the step by step instructions (outlines); review the tutorial videos; then complete the tasks listed in the instructions. Post your completed map in the Moodle course management system (when requested). Not all activities will have an assignment other than to complete the tutorials.