MS Office Available for All Students

MS Office is available for SCC students. It is recommended to use this resource to access the newest version of Word. Information on how to access Office 365 through your SCC account is available by clicking the Student Help Resources link located above the SCC banner when you are logged into Moodle. After accessing the Student Help Resources site, click the How To Files tab, scroll down to the SCC Email & Office 365 Help Files section, and read the following documents:

  • Office 365 and OneDrive Storage Features
  • Accessing your OneDrive and Office 365 WebApps from your MY.SOUTHEAST.EDU Account
  • Downloading Microsoft Office FREE for SCC Students

Please save the files that you will need to upload for assignments in this course as .doc/.docx if using Microsoft Word and as .rtf if you are using a different word processing program.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 October 2015, 2:42 PM