Materials: (U2 M1) Materials List

Before you begin this Module, you will need to acquire to following items:

Tabletop Lab – Diffusion, Osmosis, and French Fries

In preparation for the Labs, you will need to obtain the following “at home” supplies to set up an experiments 24 hours before you anticipate being ready to start the Labs:

  • Clean tap or bottled water. Tap water should work just fine, but if you are concerned about the purity of your tap water, approximately 2 quarts of distilled water is recommended.

  • 6 small, clear containers. Drinking glasses or small Tupperware containers will work nicely.

  • 2 russet potatoes

  • 1-cup liquid measuring cup, with mL measurements.

  • Small kitchen scale, capable of gram measurements.

  • Corn starch, easily found in the baking aisle of your local grocery store.

  • Masking tape

  • Marker or sharpie, to label your containers.

  • Paper towels

  • Plastic wrap

  • Table salt

Once you are ready to complete the Lab, after completing the course work and the Lab preparation, you will need the following “at home” supplies:

  • Clean tap or bottled water. Tap water should work just fine, but if you are concerned about the purity of your tap water, approximately 2 quarts of distilled water is recommended.

  • Several small, clear containers. Drinking glasses or small Tupperware containers will work nicely. These will be used in various places throughout the lab.

  • 1-cup liquid measuring cup, with mL measurements.

  • 3-cup liquid measuring cup or a large bowl that can hold at least 3 cups of water.

  • Small kitchen scale, capable of gram measurements.

  • Paper towels

  • Kitchen funnel, this in not absolutely necessary, but will help prevent spills.

  • ~20 inches of dialysis tubing, you will most likely need to purchase this on the internet.

  • White granulated sugar

  • 6 small segments of thread or dental floss

  • 3 different colors of food coloring

  • 2% iodine tincture, easily found in the first aid section of your local grocery store or pharmacy.

  • 1 TBSP and ¼ TSP measuring spoons

Last modified: Thursday, 10 June 2021, 3:01 PM