Materials: (U2 M2) Materials List
Before you begin this Module, you will need to acquire to following items:
Tabletop Lab – Toothpickase and Lactase
375 flat plain toothpicks
25 colored flat toothpicks, if you cannot find colored toothpicks, you can color them yourself using a marker.
1 large bowl of tap water
Ice, enough to fill your large bowl with ice water mixture.
White, granulated sugar
Kitchen scale, capable of gram measurements.
2 liquid measuring cups, with mL measurements.
1 small sauce pan, to boil a small amount of liquid on the stovetop or hot plate.
2 Lactase tablets such as Lactaid, easily found in your local grocery store or pharmacy.
Glucose tablets, easily found in in your local pharmacy, typically located near diabetic supplies.
Glucose urine test strips, you may be able to find these at your local pharmacy, but many pharmacies don’t stock these anymore. You may have to order them online.
7 small cups, small juice cups or disposable Dixie cups would work well.
Masking tape, to label your small cups.
1 and ½ teaspoon measuring spoons
6 stirring rods, toothpicks will work nicely.