Create a Powerpoint presentation

This module introduces the student to the basic concepts of creating a presentation. Presentations convey a message or a story by breaking down the content into slides. Think of each slide as a blank canvas for the pictures, words, and shapes that will help you build your story.

The tutorials and instructions for the class are based on MS Office 2013 PowerPoint however you can also use free programs such as Libre Office or Google Presentation. After viewing the online tutorials, students will use the presentation software to create a presentation about themselves.


After completion of this module students will become familiar with:

  • Presentation basics
  • Using the help section
  • Opening/using a template document
  • Using the text, picture, shapes, and color tools appropriately in a slide show
  • Using sounds and transitions in a presentation

Readings and Resources



  • Readings
  • Presentation Assignment 1 - Presentation