Unit 2: CNC Plate Cutting Introduction

Learning Module SCORM/AICC
Type: Learning Module SCORM/AICC  
Learning Module SCORM/AICC
Type: Learning Module SCORM/AICC  
CNC Plate Cutting


The objectives for this unit are for the student to:

  1. Know the safety requirements and work safely with a CNC plasma/oxy-fuel plate cutting and marking system.
  2. Know the set-up, operation and shutdown procedures for a CNC plasma/oxy-fuel plate cutting and marking system.
  3. Demonstrate startup procedures and proper loading of material into a CNC plate cutting & marking system.
  4. Demonstrate the proper entry of required cutting parameters as documented on a cutting procedure into controls found on a CNC plate cutting system.
  5. Make various cuts using a CNC plate cutting system.
  6. Demonstrate the use of a CNC plate marking system.
  7. Demonstrate the proper unloading of material and and shut-down procedures on a CNC plate cutting & marking system.

To-do List

  1. When your instructor lectures on this unit and demonstrates the safe use of this equipment, take complete notes being mindful of the seven objectives for this unit as stated above.
  2. Click on the Unit 2 Assignments link shown on the left side of this page and follow the instructions.  Take notes as necessary.
  3. Obtain a copy of the SWIC CNC Plate Cutting Binder from your instructor and read it in its entirety.  Take notes as necessary being mindful of all safety requirements and the seven objectives for this unit.
  4. At the direction of your instructor, practice using the CNC plate cutting & marking system.
  5. Prepare for testing on the seven unit objectives as noted above.  Your instructor will inform you of the testing schedule for this unit.
Last modified: Thursday, 29 July 2021, 4:33 PM