Work Success Skills: Student Learning Outcomes

This resource includes the learning objectives for the Work Success Skills lesson, the student outcomes in docx and pdf formats, the Success Skills Workbook in docx and pdf formats, a listing of the curriculum with objectives in docx and pdf formats, and an overview of the lesson in docx and pdf formats. To access these files, click on the link above with the appropriate title and extension type.

Upon successful completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • Create a personal vision statement.
  • Create SMART goals.
  • Identify and apply the elements of a successful team.
  • Identify and use coping behaviors and healthful guidelines to deal with stress.
  • Apply time management techniques.
  • Explain the need for diversity and accountability in the workplace.
  • Conduct a manufacturing job search using recommended techniques.
  • Create a resume and cover letter for a manufacturing job search.
  • Participate in a mock interview.
  • Effectively answer interview questions.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 August 2021, 1:25 PM